Hi Robin,

Originally Posted by Robin

The Lord's Supper is more than merely a memorial to Christ's sacrifice. In many churches it is called "communion" because the Body of Christ on earth is His church. It is the unity we enjoy in Christ that makes the Church what it is.

Not sure I would agree about it being more than just a memorial as if the Catholic idea of Transubstantiation has any merit for example.

But setting that issue aside for purposes of this thread...

Could you enjoy such unity with someone who believes, for example, that Mary is a co-redeemer and intermediary between God and Man? Or with a person who believes that Christ died "spiritually" but not physically? Could you share the bread and the cup with someone who believes that theose elements actually become the literal body and blood of Christ?

To answer your question no, I could not enjoy the kind of fellowship that the Lord meant for me to have with born-again believers among persons having the beliefs that you mentioned.

We are called as members of one body. Two cannot walk together unless they are agreed.

Agreed. Makes sense...

That is why there are "organized churches."


So you are saying if I understand you correctly that the reason that organized churches are good is because they allow those of us with similar beliefs to walk together in sweet fellowship? Is that a right understanding of what you are saying Robin?

And if that is correct does that mean that you and I cannot enjoy sweet fellowship centered around the Lord unless we are agreed on any number of particulars that relate to Christian practice?

Now there are plenty of churches and denominations other than my own where I can enjoy the worship of God and the fellowship of my brethren in Christ, but with whom I could not fully participate as a matter of conscience informed by Scripture. Some things are simply too important to set aside. The sacraments being one of them; biblical worship being another (despite room for differences), church polity, etc. That is why joining with like-minded believers offers a chance to fully participate with them and experience the fullest possible unity in Christ.

Some things are simply too important to set aside...I agree with that.

But let me ask you something Robin. I think from what you have said that we would probably agree on what communion is, biblically speaking. On the importance of worship. Of devotion to God. Church policy with respect to that which is clearly indicated in the Scriptures regarding the make up of what Church leaders are, their qualifications, and other particulars of such offices (mind you I am referring to biblically based ideas not church traditions).

Let's see, if I am not mistaken you and I would probably agree on most all the major points of Christian belief and practice.

So why is it that we must now be in two different local Churches and perhaps even associate ourselves with two different denominations? Biblically speaking is there any justification for such a difference of association with respect to those what we might have deeper fellowship with?

Are we not in danger of actually doing the opposite from what the Bible commands? Namely to be one in not only belief but in practice?

Perhaps you believe that Chritians should give up all their possesions and give to the poor and I am of the belief that we should use our possessions and money wisely without necessarily giving it all away.

Does such a difference now make it all but impossible for you and I to enjoy sweet fellowship because we are not entirely agreed?

I daresay that the so-called agreement that is purported to be among those in organized Churches is not nearly as complete as it may seem. Oh we might agree to meet at so and so place and to respect the beliefs of the leadership or denomination while participating there but I suspect that if you were to poll the sheep and ask them pointed questions about what they personally believe that the so-called unity of any given Church is a mirrage. It seems to be there but it really isn't in that the majority of sheep would probably differ in their beliefs not only from the Church in question but even from each other.

May I suggest that unity and deep fellowship is not a matter of how greatly we agree on every particular but a matter of how humble we are willing to be in the Presence of God and before one another? How willing we are to love each other as ourselves? I mean among true Christians.
