
I understand what you are saying but it must be considered from the view of others also. I think we are in agreement that the teaching of Christ is of the most importance correct? The things you are mentioning have nothing to do with our salvation in Jesus Christ, tongues, head coverings and other things you mentioned. It would be wrong for you to become a part of a body in whom you are in disagreement with. Why, because you cause a brother to stumble. Without getting into where I stand on those issues, you must realize we are all at different places in our biblical understandings as to the issues you mentioned. As you said, who has the corner on the truth? With that in mind, it is best to join a body that has the same view as you and grow together with them. For some of us, if you were to bring those things up during the service other than just as questions in a teaching setting, it would be considered an attack on the unity of the church. Where would it stop? People would want to expound all kinds of wild doctrines causing confusion and disunity in the church. Certain individuals have been gifted for pastoring and teaching, it is a gift of God that the church must recognize. Much like the sons of Korah, everyone thinks they are a teacher or pastor, and that isn't biiblical. Jumping up to give a prophecy is better done in a church that allows that, in our church it would probably freak someone out, causing them to stumble. I'm not saying it is wrong if you feel led to do that, but don't do it in a church you know is more reserved in their worship. We are all different, we all have our styles, join the one you best fit with. If you take notice, even Jesus obeyed the form of worship in the synagogue by going to the front to read the Scriptures, why didn't he just give the exposition of the reading from where He stood in the congregation? We must recognize the order in the churches we attend, God is a God of order. I am not saying this to discourage you, just trying to point you to what I believe is best for you and the church.

Matt. 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. KJV